Following the teacher training combined with the project coordination meeting in Bologna in November 2023, the second transnational project meeting of the Di-Struct (“Di-struct! – Restructuring subjects by digitalising VET”) project took place in Budapest on 13-14 February 2024. The project focuses on equipping teachers with digital skills to shift the way classes are delivered. The partnership will work following these steps:

1) making a thorough screening of the state of the art on digitalisation in European schools, thus analysing the way digital tools are now used in VET.

2) creating an E-Learning course that will equip teachers with the know-how to increase the use of interactive digital tools in their classes.

3) testing the new skills acquired by producing training content using the digital tools and approach presented in the eLearning.

4) producing instructions on how to create digital content for each subject according to the results of the testing and the experiences developed by teachers. The subject-based instructions will describe the procedures to set up digital classes in each subject as well as the most effective digital tools related to each discipline.

The meeting was hosted by the Hungarian Association for Digital Education the leader of WP2. The main focus of the meeting was to finalise WP2 and to clarify and divide the tasks of WP3 between the partners. This is illustrated by the expectation table prepared at the beginning of the meeting. As part of WP2, a screening of the state of the art on digitalisation in European schools was carried out and 8 online open educational resources were developed. At the meeting, major progress was made in finalising the 8 online learning resources developed by the partners. Considering the feedback from the teachers who tested the courses, the partners made the necessary fine-tuning decisions.

The partners, under the professional leadership of INETE – Instituto de Educação Técnica – and Fernanda Torres, developed the structure of WP3, discussed and distributed the related tasks. The focus of this WP is “Testing the new skills acquired by producing training content using the digital tools”. On the second day of the meeting, a very significant step was taken in the design of the whole process and in the definition of how to measure the related teacher development.

During the meeting, the partners continued to strengthen the professional and personal relationship between them, in addition to their hard work. The social dinner of the project meeting was spent in a real friendly atmosphere.

If you would like to explore the modules, contact us here.

If you are already in contact with one of the project partners and you would like to be a tester, please write them an email to have access to it, thank you.